Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Partie's Rocking! the CP321 Awards Part 2

Welcome back everyone! Alright, let's discuss the next wave of Awards shall we? First, we hav our favorite Club Penguin play. This play, is playing right now in our theater (as of May 5th 2012) And is a favorite among others! The play is? Ruby and the Ruby!

Next, well lets see hm? Oh! We have our favorite Club Penguin building! The building is the Dojo Courtyard. This room was discovered in 2008, when lightning struck the Dojo rooftops, and we decided to help. Then, a mysertious figure appeared, and taught those willing, the art of Card-Jitsu! Sensei, will be accepting THIS award!

Next, the favorite room in Club Penguin? This room is popular among others! It is the EPF Command room. Only given to exclusive penguins, this room is the central location of all the Elite Penguin Force's activity!

Favorite Famous Penguin.... Now, this was a tough one. But a penguin stood among others... this penguin? This penguin, this one, this is Rookie! Rookie, was founded in 2011 when he hosted an "accidental" Arpil Fools party back in 2011. He opened the boxes in the Box Dimmension, and created a massive portal to all new ones!

Favorite music in club penguin, now this was a toughy. I had to vote, just to break the ties! But the votes were chosen wisely. The winning vote for this is, "Rockhoppers Quest" from just this year. Rockhopper's Quest featured a remixed version of "Sea Chanty" from back in 2007.

Lastly, we gace the favorite party. The party that we included, was the Halloween party. This was the very first party in Club Penguin, no wonder it's a favorite among others!
The Last awards next, after this break! :)

*Favorite Club penguin play- Ruby and the Ruby
*Favorite Club penguin building- Dojo Courtyard
*Favorite ROOM in CP- EPF Command
*Favorite Famous Penguin- Rookie
*Favorite Music in Club Penguin-Sea Chanty, 2012
*Favorite Party- The Halloween Party

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