Thursday, March 24, 2011

Herbert Detected (:

Hey Guys! Yesterday You saw Herbert P. Bear an arch nemisis of the EPF hack into my account here on my blog. Don't worry. He is no longer accessced to my account! Sorry for the Interruption! And thanks to the EPF for helping me!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


MW HA HA HA!!! I have finely done it! Ive taken over a secret Agents Blog!! Hello Pathetic Readers. My name is Herbert P, Bear Esquire. I am an evil villain of the Elite Penguin Force!! From this point on, Joeeey68's Blog is canceled! Hear me?!?! MW HA HA HA HA!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daily EPF

Sometimes there is small troubles on the little Island of club Penguin. These troubles are for Agents eyes only. Such as descripting secret codes, or helping save a Puffle. These Agents call these tasks, Fiel-Ops. Field-Ops stand for, Field-Operations. Which are when Agents go out onto the field of the Island and complete their task. As a reward they are given a medal. A medal is used to get EPF gear.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saint Patricks Over

Hey Guys, The Saint Patricks Event is now over! D= But!! I'm having an April Fools Party on my Webpage!!! New Events are on the way! So I'll see you very Soon! Actually in about two weeks! I may even have an Exclusive Interview for my Website! Keep Coming back for Suprieses this April Fools Day!!!

Puffle Launch now here!

Hey Guys! The Puffle Launch system is now here!! I'm SOO Excited! My Puffles have been so much fun playing with them on the island! I'm almost down with Soda Skies. Where are you guys on YOUR Levels??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Guys My Green Font has stopped working, and now the EPF Daily is late. I'm so sorry guys. It's hard because I was in the house and I had thought I launched it. It's fixed now. Thamks for your patietience.

The Daily EPF

Well let's start from the beginning. When the Island was first founded. That's when we became a secret agent. First with the Penguin Secret Agency came in and then POP! Popcorn destroyed the whole Sport Shop and ruined the Hq of the PSA Secret Agents. But the EPF was Very Top Secret. They still protect even after the Penguin Secret Agency was destroyed. The EPF, is called the Elite Penguin Force. The EPF is very Top Secret. Their Secret Agents are in our midst everywhere. Although you cannot see them, they are there. Hiding in the shadows and defending the Island, one flipper at a time.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Puffle Players Fun or Not?

The NEW Puffle thing is here, where you can you adopt your Puffle and it animates it in many ways. But is this bad? Saraapril a recent Club Penguin follower that I trust, says that you CANNOT play with your Puffle inside your Igloo like you use to! I agree with her! You cannot see what your Puffle needs anymore. If they need food? If they're tired? Club Penguin needs to fix this! I like the New Animations, but if this keeps going on my Puffles might run away! I don't want to come home to an empty Igloo. D=

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Daily EPF Sneak Peek!

Exciting New Sneak Peek! And Club Penguin Bug Fixed!

Here is an Exclusive Sneak Peek of the New Puffle Close up! Also the Logging in Club Penguin Bug is fixed! :) Even though I never had any troubles to begin with. Oh well!!! =)blog_110307.jpg

Club Penguin New Pet Shop

The NEW Pet Shop is almost here! I've gotton this Exclusive Sneak Peek of the NEW Version!!!!

In other News, My Green Font is working! This Firday the Daily EPF Launches! So I want to know, what do you guys want to know about the EPF?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Testing GREEN Color Font

This a Color Font for my Saint. Patricks Webpage! I need Ideas for Decorations. Have any Ideas? I'm excited for something coming up in March! Here is the plan board for March!

~March 4th Saint Patricks Webpage
~March 11th The Daily EPF Launches
~March 17th Snt. Patricks Day. Blogging Party
~Mrach 23rd Look for Rockhopper and Stamp

See you ALL at Saint Patricks Day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Club Penguin Puffle Construction began!

If you look inside the Pet Shop, you will see Puffle Construction! It looks so amazing! I wonder what the NEW changes will be? Stay tuned for more Info!!!

Website Stamp Earned!

Congrats To the Lucky Winner! 454chilly won my amazing Stamp! I'll give it to your Email and then you can put it on YOUR site. I still have 3 more Stamps left. Any takers? If you want to see how to enter the contest again, the story is, Website EXCLUSIVE Stamp!!!

Hope you get one!