Greetings readers of the Blog! Some of the people have said, "Joeeey68, I missed the awards Show, and I don't know where to review it." The Awards Show archive, like all the others, are located on the right hand side of the Blog. With all their names, and everything! The Awards Show is still fairly new. Therefore, it should probably be in the top headlines. Thanks for your questions, I am always here to help you. Oh! Another Penguin has asked me, "What is Stopping Herbert month about?" Well, The EPF have decided that Herbert is too dangerous to be left un-checked. After all, he STOLE my awards, he BROKE inside my studio, and nearly sabotaged, the awards show! Not to mention, that he his building a Cream Soda Bomb, of DOOM!!! (the Doom was meant like that) For this, they want to stop him, and since I am an Agent, was a victim of his crimes, I've decided to help them. And they've decided to let you guys help them to! They need more Agents than ever if they want to stop Herbert! -Joeeey68 

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