Well, I do have to say it's good to see all of you here so bright eyed and early! Sadly, G is still too nusy in the Island making his plans and what not to give you his Field-Op.... though, Agent G never really misses a Field-Op whether it's from us or Joeeey68.... Hmm... you're new one is to find G in the party wherever he is!! This may be the hardest Field-Op accomplished.
Tips for finding G!
1: G is usually on populated servers AND in big crowds
2: He will be in teh APrty rooms to make sure that the party "machines" and "Technology" are working... so check Dragon Peak, or Scorn's Battle Area or even the Cloud Kingdoms
3: G LOVES to hear about Coffee and or the EPF.
Remember to keep the Elite Penguin Force a secret to the new Penguins who know nothing.... I am hoping you can find him so he can give you the final field-op to where we think Herbert is...
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Filed-Op #2-Given by Dot
Good Morning Agents! how did you all enjoy the Medieval Party so far? I think it's great! anyway, let's get to buisness.... Herbert Trackers have been detecting something big by the Iceburg, it seems to circle the Island once and twice and then disappears.... Reports claim that it is a Giant-Squid. We need to know for sure, and be safe that it is not Herbert... Play Aqua-Grabber until you spot this "Squid" and then report back to EPF Command's Blog for your orders...
Monday, May 21, 2012
Field-Op #1: Givewn by Rookie
Good morning Agents! As you know last night in the USA a Solar Eclipse occured, research indicates that to watch this eclipse, came from the mountains. We talked to Sensei and he reported that he doesn't own a TV, and neither do the Ninjas. We need you to go to the Dojo, track down the strange transmission frequency and see who has been using it! Report back to the Command Room (EPF Blog) when you have found the frequency!
-Over and out Rookie
-Over and out Rookie
Friday, May 18, 2012
Stopping Herbert Month...
It is a quickly approaching, How are you preparing? Are you trying on your EPF gear? Hm? LOL(:
*For years, Herbert has been a threat on the Island, trying to disrupt our peace, and balance. He destroyed our Clock Tower once, destroyed the PSA, and even corrupted Earthquakes around the Island! Not to mention he nearly sank the Island. The EPF's Director has decided, it is time to put an end to his reign of terror, since G's Hibernation plan didn't follow through so greatly! Do you have the skills, to track and defeat Herbert? To defeat Herbert you'll need to become a master of disguise, an expert of investigation, and the ability to see what others do not! Stopping Herbert Month, Agents report for duty May 21st, to receive your orders!
Hope everyone is enjoying the BIGGEST party I think so far this year! I love the Medieval Party, and this one is the best one yet I think :) In other news, Monday is Stopping Herbert Month. Gary said something about this Dragon King, "Being part of his plans" So I have no clue what to expect! Good news though, you'll be in perfect disguise in the Party while doing the Field-Operations Via Blog! Agents report to the EPF Blog. Some strange frequency is being read all around the Mountains... Hmmm....
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Ye old Dragon King is attacking Club Penguin and the 5 tribes of ye old times!! Time to reunite ye old tribes' secret knights! 
Now then, up to the Mountain, and with Gary's "magical" items at our side we can sto the fearsome Dragon! Follow us Gary, our destiny awaits!!
Okay here we go, up to the Moutain.... Wait, ITS THE DRAGON KING!!!!!!! AAAH!!!! 
By defeating the Dragon king, Club Penguin is safe, and we can all enjoy the Party! :)

But is there more to this "party" that's meet the eye? 0.o (EPF AGENTS REPORT)
Friday, May 11, 2012
Sneak Peek of the Medieval Party!!
Looks like a Dragon King? Hmm... I will defiantly, have a guide on that! Looks like a good fight! :)
Ye old Club Penguin, Very interesting, perhaps those question marks mean something hm? Hark!
a riddle, perhaps the riddle to defeat a great an powerful foe? Hm.. That banner's shape looks vaguely familiar..... :)
the Party looks like LOADS of fun!!! I AM SO FLIPPING EXCITED!!!! I can't wait to fight the Dragon King! What do you guys think?? :) -Joeeey68
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Greetings readers of the Blog! Some of the people have said, "Joeeey68, I missed the awards Show, and I don't know where to review it." The Awards Show archive, like all the others, are located on the right hand side of the Blog. With all their names, and everything! The Awards Show is still fairly new. Therefore, it should probably be in the top headlines. Thanks for your questions, I am always here to help you. Oh! Another Penguin has asked me, "What is Stopping Herbert month about?" Well, The EPF have decided that Herbert is too dangerous to be left un-checked. After all, he STOLE my awards, he BROKE inside my studio, and nearly sabotaged, the awards show! Not to mention, that he his building a Cream Soda Bomb, of DOOM!!! (the Doom was meant like that) For this, they want to stop him, and since I am an Agent, was a victim of his crimes, I've decided to help them. And they've decided to let you guys help them to! They need more Agents than ever if they want to stop Herbert! -Joeeey68 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Upcoming Events!
The Stopping Herbert month is quickly approaching! We also have a VERY important event coming up next week! The Summer of the Blogs!! Let's Review, shall we? We had a GREAT Puffle Party, with PH, (The EPF Puffle handler) making a REAL appearance! We also watched in shock and fear, as Herbert escaped his Icy prison in January, after 5 months of his Hibernation! We also had our very 1st, Fashion Show! We had a lot of good times, over the school years, including the Anniversary of Club Penguin321! And the 2nd annual Awards Show! :) -Joeeey68
* May 16th, Summer Launches on the blog!
* May 21st, Stopping Herbert Month Begins!
* May 17th, Medieval Party starts! And so does the guide!
* May 16th, Summer Launches on the blog!
* May 21st, Stopping Herbert Month Begins!
* May 17th, Medieval Party starts! And so does the guide!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Calling all Agents!
May is Stop Herbert month! Starting May 21st, I have teamed up with EPF Blog, and will give you clues to Herbert's whereabouts EACH day. Until, someone can find his location. Anything can happen, but we must find Herbert! So, Agent report for duty at EPF Blog, or Mine on May 21st for your own, "Field Op: Via Blog"

Monday, May 7, 2012
The Awards, lets take a bow!
Good morning everyone! Did you all enjoy the Awards show?? It was lots of fun! If you missed the Annual Awards, check the archive for all 3 parts! It took 432 people watching, for my inspiration to begin! :) Rookie, has returned back to the EPF to help track down, "you know who." And the EPF has asked me to help them with the job. That's why, May is going to be "Stop that bear!" month. I'll explain more soon, EPF Agents, check the EPF Blog ASAP!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
One last cheerful Vote! CP321 Awards part 3
Alright, time to wrap up the Awards show, with our final nominees! I have to go right now, because of soem "EPF" buisness! Herbert snuck into my Awards show, and now is trying to hack into the account! The winners are down below! Thanks for everyone coming! And I hope to see you next year for Club Penguin321's 3rd Annual Awards Show! Alright, goodnight, and see you Monday
Favorite MiniGame- Puffle Launch!
Favorite MiniGame- Puffle Launch!
*Favorite Puffle color- The Orange Puffle!
*Favorite Club Penguin Blogger- Saraapril and Joeeey68
*the big help award goes to? The Club Penguin Team!
*The saving Club penguin award goes to? The Elite Penguin Force!
*Favorite Post card- the Thank you
*Favorite "special" item. (Ex. coffee Apron, Puffle Apron)- Coffee Apron!
*Favorite Secret Agent- Gary the Gadget Guy
*Best Party host (Ex. Gary-Halloween. Rookie-April Fools) Rookie, with April Fools!
The Partie's Rocking! the CP321 Awards Part 2
Welcome back everyone! Alright, let's discuss the next wave of Awards shall we? First, we hav our favorite Club Penguin play. This play, is playing right now in our theater (as of May 5th 2012) And is a favorite among others! The play is? Ruby and the Ruby!
Next, well lets see hm? Oh! We have our favorite Club Penguin building! The building is the Dojo Courtyard. This room was discovered in 2008, when lightning struck the Dojo rooftops, and we decided to help. Then, a mysertious figure appeared, and taught those willing, the art of Card-Jitsu! Sensei, will be accepting THIS award!
Next, the favorite room in Club Penguin? This room is popular among others! It is the EPF Command room. Only given to exclusive penguins, this room is the central location of all the Elite Penguin Force's activity!
Favorite Famous Penguin.... Now, this was a tough one. But a penguin stood among others... this penguin? This penguin, this one, this is Rookie! Rookie, was founded in 2011 when he hosted an "accidental" Arpil Fools party back in 2011. He opened the boxes in the Box Dimmension, and created a massive portal to all new ones!
Favorite music in club penguin, now this was a toughy. I had to vote, just to break the ties! But the votes were chosen wisely. The winning vote for this is, "Rockhoppers Quest" from just this year. Rockhopper's Quest featured a remixed version of "Sea Chanty" from back in 2007.
Lastly, we gace the favorite party. The party that we included, was the Halloween party. This was the very first party in Club Penguin, no wonder it's a favorite among others!
The Last awards next, after this break! :)
*Favorite Club penguin play- Ruby and the Ruby
*Favorite Club penguin building- Dojo Courtyard
*Favorite ROOM in CP- EPF Command
*Favorite Famous Penguin- Rookie
*Favorite Music in Club Penguin-Sea Chanty, 2012
*Favorite Party- The Halloween Party
Lets Get Started shall we? CP321 Awards Part 1
Welcome back one and all! I am very excited to announce the winning votes down below! First, we have Favorite Clothes item... The winner is? The Summer catlog collection. This collection includes Swimsuits, hair styles, Sunglasses, and of course, MERMAIDS! Thanks to voting for your favorite!
Next, we have the Favorite Pin of 2011 and 2012! The winner is?.... The Elite Penguin Force Pin! This pin was given to EPF Agents who fought off Herbert's Hydra Bots in, "The Battle of Doom". Which came out later this month last year.
Next, we have Favorite Stamp! The Satmp goes to the.......Recycle! This pin was brought among on Earth Day, April 22nd 2010, to help protect the Earth. It was also when we re-did the Mine and made it our very own Community Garden!
Our Favorite Penguin Stamp goes to.... Drum Roll.... Rockhopper! Get up here Rockhopper! This Penguin only comes around every 6 months to our Island. His travels are unkown. But, he tells us great stories, and bring sus treasures from his adventures at sea!
Last but not least, we have the Penguin Color! The color that everyone voted for was shocking... But, although it is not availible yet, the color is white!
More Awards soon!
*Favorite Clothes item-
Summer time collection!
*Favorite Pin (2011-2012)-EPF Pin!
*Favorite Stamp-The Recycle Stamp!
*Favorite penguin Stamp-The Rockhopper Stamp
*Favorite penguin color- White!
Penguin Awards!
Welcome, to the 2nd Annual Club Penguin Awards show! Tonight, we will be discussing the Awards that rocked the comments, and will be given out by Club Penguin's own, Rookie! Cadence, and the memebers of the Club Penguin Band! So stay tuned, the Awards start shortly, and thanks for tuning in! Log into Club Penguin (clubpenguin.com) or (play.clubpenguin) to watch from my Igloo that is unlocked!

Friday, May 4, 2012
Case Closed
Thanks to Rookie, for sending me a message from Herbert with him stating that HE stole the Awards. EPF, track down Herbert and make him give back the Awards! This Awards show will go on with, or without them. (But it would be nice to have them)
Hello Joeeey68, you were right... We stole the awards! This is the Director of the Elite Penguin Force, sorry that I couldn't say it in the number, but I blocked it so that you cannot reveal our true identity. We stole the Awards and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Sneak Peek!
Hey everybody, Joeeey68 here, just wanted to give you guys a heads up on some things! First, I wanted to show you a sneak peek of what the Awards will look like VIA my website. (Note they are not real awards, I am poor lol) Second, EPF Agents are needed on the Island ASAP. And as needed on the EPF Blog, which has a URL on my blogging screen. Third, me and Rookie are really excited for this. We hope to see all you coming and attending the Awards this Saturday night at 7. Alright gang, that's all I can say for now, without spoiling the winners! WADDLE ON! -Joeeey68
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