BZZK...Protobot's Systems not functioning properly. Must shut down Blog for Polar Bear is enemy and is using EPF Blog.......
What?! Wheel Bot get off this Stupid Blog! This is ours remember? I did this for your own protection of the security of the Blog!!

BZZK....Protobot terminated. Given NEW orders to destroy Elite Penguin Force for good. Must destroy Blog's company systems....
Oh no not on my watch! Calling in the Error Pathetic Fools......

Rookie here! Welcome to the Everday Phoning Facility! How may I help you?
Listen Elite Wonder....Protobot's turned the TEst Bots agaisnt me! They want this Blog for themselves! There's no use in fighting for this Blog. So I'll mkae you a deal....Shut down the Test Bots....and I'll give you this Blog Back......

Hmm....Consideration?? G get over here!!!!
What is it Rookie? Oh hello Herbert.....
I need you to shut down the Test Bots for me! In return I will give you this Blog......

Hmm....The Test Bots seem to be taking orders from Protobot not you anymore. There fore there is no need to keep the Blog for yourself. And the Test Bots can and would get n your way of your 'brilliant' plan.
Yes! The Test Bots are tracking this signal.....I must sign off for now.......I'll meet you later some time.....SSHHZZZZ

I don't trust Herbert G. It could be another Tra------SSSHHHZZZZZ
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