G! You're going insane! The Test Bots don't want revenge on us! I know this for a fact! Right Jet Pack Guy?
Well....We did shut them down. It's a possiblity that they want revenge.....
Who's attacking my site?! IDENTIFY UR SELF!
BZZT! Error Code 2346 Surprise attack didn't work.......
JetBot?! How on Earth did you get on my Blog?? I shut down the Signals! Nobody could of ever gotton back in.....
Err....Agent, I may I have let them in.....
Well you see, only the EPF had access to your blog......because were you know your fellow agents. I thought JetBot and the others were all other Agents asking permission to be on your Blog....so I told them they could....heh....
BZT! And it worked to! We now have access to all your Files. Downloading EPF Data.....34% complete...
G!!! We need to do something! I can't have them download all my stuff! That could spell doom for both of us! The EPF, and Club Penguin 321!!!
Download complete.....Comence Attack Pattern Beta. Attack failed. Retreat plan ativated. Goodbye EPF.
Rookie, meet me at HQ, you me and G are going to have a little talk about 'Online Safety'
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