-G over and out!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Message From G. Closed Message
Greetings Agents! This is G! Protobot has mamanged to hack into Joeeey68's account...again. Thanks to Rookie, we now have to investigate. The Signal has left a message. To view this message, click, SYSTEM BREACHED!!!! on the top of the page. We have intel that they might try and overwhel us. All agents report to HQ for training on system defender. Joeeey68, your blog is protected by the EPF. Hebert's plan will NOT sucede!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Connection Test
So G, I was thinking of putting a pass on joeeey68's Blog!
Well, It could always be a possiblity. I'll email him and see what he thinks.....
Hey G, is this him! Protobot systems Online MW HA HA?
What?? Wait a minute.....this is the Test Bots Signal. Who are you?! Identify yourself!!
BZZT! Error! Surprise Attack failed.....System Breached!
Jetbot? So we meet again you bucket of bolts!
G! I think I found his...Whoa coll what signal did you find the Test Bots on?
This isn't a Signal Rookie. This Joeeey68's Blog code!! He must of sneaked onto his block. While YOU gave him the Secret Password.....
Attack Confirmed! Mus retreat back to secret Base!
Gotcha!! I'm tracking his signal!!
Nice Rookie.....
Retreat Complete. Signing off......
Awards Nominees
Well, I prmised you an Awards show! And rumors have been spreading! And now this is true! MY Awards show will feature, Favorite Puffle, Favorite Pizza, Favorite Famous Penguin, Favorite Agent, Favorite Ninja, and SOO Much More!!! And now to show you the Nominees for, Favorite Stamps! Select which one you would like
A*Recycle Stamp
B*Rockhopper Stamp
C*System Defender Stamps
A*Recycle Stamp
B*Rockhopper Stamp
C*System Defender Stamps
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Ive MADE IT!!!
Hey guys! I've finely made it! I saved enough energy to power a skyscraper!! How cool is that?! Well I hope you guys had an Awesome Earth Day! Because I did! And to celebrate a Happy Easter!!!!! I'm giving a heads up of something that has never happened on my Blog! The First ever, Joeeey68 Club PEnguin Awards! I shall be giving out awards to my favorite Penguins out there!!! WOOHOO!!! More info on the Awards Show in May!
*Awards Show! Launch in May!
*Attack of the Robots Blog! Launch in April!
*Earth Day Challenge! (COMPLETE!!)
*Awards Show! Launch in May!
*Attack of the Robots Blog! Launch in April!
*Earth Day Challenge! (COMPLETE!!)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Earth Day!
Well, it's time! After all of my planning, this is where the action takes place. I'll see you guys tomorrow, and Club Penguin 321 is officialyy shut down. Don't be freaked out, it's only for 24 hours! Anyway, Wish me luck! Hope your doing something to protect the Earth!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Return of the Test Bots
Agent!! The Blog's tracker is frequencies multiple links attacking into your site! They could strike at any minute!!!
G! You're going insane! The Test Bots don't want revenge on us! I know this for a fact! Right Jet Pack Guy?
Well....We did shut them down. It's a possiblity that they want revenge.....
Who's attacking my site?! IDENTIFY UR SELF!
BZZT! Error Code 2346 Surprise attack didn't work.......

JetBot?! How on Earth did you get on my Blog?? I shut down the Signals! Nobody could of ever gotton back in.....

Err....Agent, I may I have let them in.....
Well you see, only the EPF had access to your blog......because were you know your fellow agents. I thought JetBot and the others were all other Agents asking permission to be on your Blog....so I told them they could....heh....

BZT! And it worked to! We now have access to all your Files. Downloading EPF Data.....34% complete...

G!!! We need to do something! I can't have them download all my stuff! That could spell doom for both of us! The EPF, and Club Penguin 321!!!

Download complete.....Comence Attack Pattern Beta. Attack failed. Retreat plan ativated. Goodbye EPF.

Rookie, meet me at HQ, you me and G are going to have a little talk about 'Online Safety'
G! You're going insane! The Test Bots don't want revenge on us! I know this for a fact! Right Jet Pack Guy?
Well....We did shut them down. It's a possiblity that they want revenge.....
Who's attacking my site?! IDENTIFY UR SELF!
BZZT! Error Code 2346 Surprise attack didn't work.......
JetBot?! How on Earth did you get on my Blog?? I shut down the Signals! Nobody could of ever gotton back in.....
Err....Agent, I may I have let them in.....
Well you see, only the EPF had access to your blog......because were you know your fellow agents. I thought JetBot and the others were all other Agents asking permission to be on your Blog....so I told them they could....heh....
BZT! And it worked to! We now have access to all your Files. Downloading EPF Data.....34% complete...
G!!! We need to do something! I can't have them download all my stuff! That could spell doom for both of us! The EPF, and Club Penguin 321!!!
Download complete.....Comence Attack Pattern Beta. Attack failed. Retreat plan ativated. Goodbye EPF.
Rookie, meet me at HQ, you me and G are going to have a little talk about 'Online Safety'
Message from Dot
WheelBot?! How did you get on Joeeey68's frequency?! Man we can't track your signal back! Bucket of Bolts blocked the Resource Code. Hmm....Joeeey68, in this time of need, did you stop the WheelBot? Other Agents! Keep an eye out for the Other Test Bots! We must find out what there plan is! G will continue to track the Signal...
Mesage from WheelBot
BZZT! Systmes functioning properly! Misson understood....Destroy Envirment! Key: Tree! You cannot stop me Agents! I have the upper hand! Me and the other Test Bots plans will continue! We WILL get revenge! Signal Closed.
--ERROR CODE 127483----
--ERROR CODE 127483----
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Reminder! From Rookie
Hey Agents! As you know Protobot and Herbert have escaped and are now planning the env---What?-----They never escaped??------We never caught them?-----Oh ok! I get it no-------What?-----Only Protobot is planning to destroy the Enviormental Fact------What?!----what do you mean it's not safe to put this on the-----SSSHHHHZZZZ
Sorry Guys! G here! Rookie doesn't know what he's saying! Reminder to all loyal Bloggers out there! Joeeey68 cannot put up any Daily EPF's because Protobot and Herbert could easily see our Info. All Current Archives leading to the others are blocked. Sorry, but it's for the Safety of the Elite Penguin Force! Alos Tomorrow, Joeeey68's making a final anouncement till his site is shut down for 24 hours, to celebrate Earth Day! thank You guys! SSHHHZZZZ!
Sorry Guys! G here! Rookie doesn't know what he's saying! Reminder to all loyal Bloggers out there! Joeeey68 cannot put up any Daily EPF's because Protobot and Herbert could easily see our Info. All Current Archives leading to the others are blocked. Sorry, but it's for the Safety of the Elite Penguin Force! Alos Tomorrow, Joeeey68's making a final anouncement till his site is shut down for 24 hours, to celebrate Earth Day! thank You guys! SSHHHZZZZ!
Message from Jet Pack Guy
Greetings Blog readers! I'm Jet Pack Guy, the EPF's eye in the sky! As you know Earth Day is approaching quickly! I'm sure by now you all have heard of Protobot. Designed by G's Test Bots and what not. That bucket of bolts is having a plan organized to destroy the Enviorment! Well thatnks to Rookie, he now knows we know his plan. Which will make it harder to strike. Keep an eye on the trees this friday. Just in case you see any Robot Parts, contact the Everday Phoning Facility, at 1-800-EPF.
-Jet Pack Guy. (EPF Agent)
-Jet Pack Guy. (EPF Agent)
Earth Day's Changing the world!
Earth Day is chaning the wor;s one flipper at a time. And though that Club Penguin has lots of enviormental factors that we care about. across the globe, Animals and lakes, and forests are being destroyed or extinct! But this Earth Day when you play on Club Penguin, think of the lives that you've changed with your Coins for change this December!! So step up and make a difference! Recycle, Plant Trees, DONT pollute! You're changing the world guys! So keep it up! Don't forget Club Penguin 321 is shutting down for 24 hours, on April 22nd. Thank You guys! Keep it up!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Going Green Challenge!
Hey Guys what's up? Sorry for the past few days. EPF business, anyway!!! Earth Day is approaching quickly! From the 22nd and so on! You should always help the envirment. From recycling, to turning off power thats not needed! MY Earth Day challenge is going to be Impressive. For 24 hours, Club Penguin 321 is being Shut Down! Ha, ha! IKR?!?!?! And I encourage you to not get on Club Penguin to. It takes alot of energy. Let's see if you can do it! Good Luck to all! My Challenge starts soon!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Shutting Down the Virus!
Protobot! Thanks to Rookie, I have found the Transmission feed that you thought was 'hidden' from me! Luckily this is Exactly Wat I planned for!

Impossible! No Agent had a chance of planning an assault on their Blog! You had 0.1 chance of finding that out!

Sometimes, that's all you need to stop a few bugs. G, Where's that Transmission Feed?!

Here it is Agent! The Transmission code is, 45872819!

Got it! Thanks G! Now lets see....Ah! Protobot Attatchment! Delete this file.....drag this over there.....and........

Got it! Ha! Protobot's Signal deleted! Thanks G and Rookie! Now I can Blog again without being careful of exposing Too much of the EPF's Info.

Still Be careful Agent Joeeey68. They might not be able to get on your account, but they still read it. Until we catch these 2, NO MORE DAILY EPF!!!

Got it G. Sorry Guys.

Impossible! No Agent had a chance of planning an assault on their Blog! You had 0.1 chance of finding that out!
Sometimes, that's all you need to stop a few bugs. G, Where's that Transmission Feed?!
Here it is Agent! The Transmission code is, 45872819!
Got it! Thanks G! Now lets see....Ah! Protobot Attatchment! Delete this file.....drag this over there.....and........
Got it! Ha! Protobot's Signal deleted! Thanks G and Rookie! Now I can Blog again without being careful of exposing Too much of the EPF's Info.
Still Be careful Agent Joeeey68. They might not be able to get on your account, but they still read it. Until we catch these 2, NO MORE DAILY EPF!!!
Got it G. Sorry Guys.
Message from Rookie
You and Herbert keep pushing off the Question! Why are you trying to ruin the Enviorment?! I mean, I understand Herbert trying to heat up the Island and all, but Protobot, what did we do to you? Sure we shut you down, but it was for the good of Club Penguin. Oh, and Joeeey68, G has managed to find the Error Connection that links Herbert and UPB to your transmissions. He's sending you the Feed right now.
-Rookie (Protobot's System Tank Connections)
-Rookie (Protobot's System Tank Connections)
To Gary the Gadget Guy. From UP10K
You think you EPF are always SO smart. Fixing the Island, saving the day. You Agents get into my way! My plans are brilliant, and it could support the Island. You Agents get in my way, so I'm shutting down this Blog once and for all! Once I find the Server Launcher Code. Don't bother and try and stop me Agents. Especially you Joeeey68!! This Blog is Almost cancled.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Special Message From G
Attention to ALL Agents of this blog!
We have intelligence, that UPB10K, will strike on Earth Day, The Article in the CP times is the exact information they need to strike. In order to keep the Island safe, We need to be in disguises as well. Dot will notify you when she knows. Rookie is still looking into the Crab Translations. We need every Agent to keep this message locked up.
We also need new Equipment to capture The Test Bots, Protobot, and Herbert and Klutzy. The Island is at risk. Stand by for Orders.
-G Technology Specialist
We have intelligence, that UPB10K, will strike on Earth Day, The Article in the CP times is the exact information they need to strike. In order to keep the Island safe, We need to be in disguises as well. Dot will notify you when she knows. Rookie is still looking into the Crab Translations. We need every Agent to keep this message locked up.
We also need new Equipment to capture The Test Bots, Protobot, and Herbert and Klutzy. The Island is at risk. Stand by for Orders.
-G Technology Specialist
Friday, April 15, 2011
My Blog being attacked!!
Attention Readers of this blog!
There is a Robot that has hacked into Joeey68's blog. Pay NO Attention to his messages. The Island is till safe. Don't worry. This is Gary, or G. I have seen Joeeey68 has talked to you about the EPF. Protobot! We will be watching you what post on this blog! So don't try anything Suspicous!!!
-G the Elite Penguin Force
Like I'm worried of you annoying pests. you may have shut me down, but i'm just as powerful as you. I have Herbert, The Test Bots, and your transmissions. I also have Rookie!
I knew it!! Rookie isn't picking up his signal, because you jammed his transmissions!!
BZZT! Yes, just like how i'm jamming this conversation. Joeeey68, your Blogs Systems are jammed. Your blog is cancled! >:)
There is a Robot that has hacked into Joeey68's blog. Pay NO Attention to his messages. The Island is till safe. Don't worry. This is Gary, or G. I have seen Joeeey68 has talked to you about the EPF. Protobot! We will be watching you what post on this blog! So don't try anything Suspicous!!!
-G the Elite Penguin Force
Like I'm worried of you annoying pests. you may have shut me down, but i'm just as powerful as you. I have Herbert, The Test Bots, and your transmissions. I also have Rookie!
I knew it!! Rookie isn't picking up his signal, because you jammed his transmissions!!
BZZT! Yes, just like how i'm jamming this conversation. Joeeey68, your Blogs Systems are jammed. Your blog is cancled! >:)
Message to Herbert
BZZT! Herbert, I've managed to break the EPF Firewall Pass, on this blog. We can now transmit messages freely. I propose that we attack on Earth Day. This time of year they will be SO caught up with the Party, tey won't suspect us. Next, we must target the EPF Defender System. As a distraction, and a victory. The Test Bots will invade the system. Then I myself will have to. Code Name for Mission, Destroy EPF. Meet me at the Dock April 19. Bring only Klutzy. All the others that are listening, this blogs cancled!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Daily EPF (Continued)
There are some villans that you wouldn't suspect at all. About 2 years ago, in 2008 to be exact. Gary had made and designed a team of Test Bots. Each Test Bot would help Test his inventions. Hints the name, "Test Bots". But Gary programmed these 3 Bots, (Wheel Bot, Snow Bot, Jet Bot) to make his inventions a challenge. They became so obssesed with challenges they decided to create a Test Bot of their own power and control. To do this, they destroyed half the Island, and made Protobot 10, 000. More Next Week,
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