After a week of battling Herbert's dangerous control of our blogs; they are finally under our control! We luckily stopped the download and deletion of blogs from the EPF Mainframe. Herbert is defeated once again, and our firewalls are uploaded and now we will be more careful on when we discode them... As for the EPF, well done! You all saved my blogs! Sadly, the EPF Blog is under critical and serious damage. I doubt it will ever see another working File again... We will look to the future my friends. Until then; Waddle on! And thanks for Blogging with us! :)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Resistance is Futile!
I have collected 75% of all EPF data from both blogs. Soon your precious strategy and secrets are mine! Once the download is complete, these blogs will be deleted like they NEVER happened! MW HAHAHA! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE YOU ELITE PATHETIC FOOLS! MWHA HAHAHAHA!!!!!
-Herbert P. Bear
Ruler of Club-Penguin321
Blogger of all Joeeey68 Blogs
Supreme Dictator of Club Herbert
WADDLE ON! :) BOW DOWN!!! mwe hahaha

-Herbert P. Bear
Ruler of Club-Penguin321
Blogger of all Joeeey68 Blogs
Supreme Dictator of Club Herbert

Monday, June 10, 2013
No more Club Penguin 321
At last, I have finally broke through your mainframe fire walls that were weak from loss of power and have now conquered EPF 321 and Club Penguin 321 AWAY from Joeeey68 and those non-flying fools! I am in cotnrol of all frequency now, and once my crab bots have transfered all files from the EPF to my hardrive I will destroy the EPF Blog and THIS blog forever! Ha, enjoy these blogs while they last. Joeeey68 and EPF you cannot stop me this time. I have upgraded and uploaded my OWN firewall to my systems that I now control. Resistance and opposing me won't help you any longer.... Mw hahaha HERBERT OUT-----

Thursday, June 6, 2013
EPF Blog reaching stable levels!
The EPF Blog is now reaching its stable level thanks to you guys! It should be up and ready steadily by this weekend :) You guys rock! In other news; the Card-Jitsu Snow party is now GONE. BUT!! You can still go to all Dojos even if you are a non-member. And if you earned anything on your journey during the party you can STILL wear it :) So enjoy mastering Card-Jitsu guys we've earned it! :D

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
New Comment Blog Author Update!
Hey bloggers! If you comment in my blog I now made it to where your BLOG user or name in general will just be mine. I did this to ensure your internet safety :). Thanks for your comments and subscirbes! Catch you later!!
Thawing EPF Blog gets a new look!
If you haven't already. Head over to the EPF Blog; G and me have remodeled with the power supply thawed we have left. He says my Awards won't be for awhile since he doesn't know how long it will take to properly fix the Blog. Agents though are ASKED to do Spy Drills in the Command Room to help boost the frozen mainframe. G calculates he should have at least full power thawed by this Friday I hope so!! Something odd is going on in there.....
Monday, June 3, 2013
No Awards yet.... But Upcoming Events!
Hey bloggers! Due to the crazy weather I've been having where I live; the Awards has been delayed. but that's not all that's been going in. The EPF Blog has been FROZEN due to all this weather. So now I need a way to launch it back up again before I lose all the EPF data. If you'd like to help support the cause; today at 1 PM go to Server Cozy and go to the Pizza Shop. Every pizza sold from 1-2 will go to my EPF Blog to pay to "melt" it. In the meantime I can't get the Awards up and running with the EPF frozen. So if you want those awards help thaw the EPF! :D See you bloggers!
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