After a week of battling Herbert's dangerous control of our blogs; they are finally under our control! We luckily stopped the download and deletion of blogs from the EPF Mainframe. Herbert is defeated once again, and our firewalls are uploaded and now we will be more careful on when we discode them... As for the EPF, well done! You all saved my blogs! Sadly, the EPF Blog is under critical and serious damage. I doubt it will ever see another working File again... We will look to the future my friends. Until then; Waddle on! And thanks for Blogging with us! :)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Resistance is Futile!
I have collected 75% of all EPF data from both blogs. Soon your precious strategy and secrets are mine! Once the download is complete, these blogs will be deleted like they NEVER happened! MW HAHAHA! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE YOU ELITE PATHETIC FOOLS! MWHA HAHAHAHA!!!!!
-Herbert P. Bear
Ruler of Club-Penguin321
Blogger of all Joeeey68 Blogs
Supreme Dictator of Club Herbert
WADDLE ON! :) BOW DOWN!!! mwe hahaha

-Herbert P. Bear
Ruler of Club-Penguin321
Blogger of all Joeeey68 Blogs
Supreme Dictator of Club Herbert

Monday, June 10, 2013
No more Club Penguin 321
At last, I have finally broke through your mainframe fire walls that were weak from loss of power and have now conquered EPF 321 and Club Penguin 321 AWAY from Joeeey68 and those non-flying fools! I am in cotnrol of all frequency now, and once my crab bots have transfered all files from the EPF to my hardrive I will destroy the EPF Blog and THIS blog forever! Ha, enjoy these blogs while they last. Joeeey68 and EPF you cannot stop me this time. I have upgraded and uploaded my OWN firewall to my systems that I now control. Resistance and opposing me won't help you any longer.... Mw hahaha HERBERT OUT-----

Thursday, June 6, 2013
EPF Blog reaching stable levels!
The EPF Blog is now reaching its stable level thanks to you guys! It should be up and ready steadily by this weekend :) You guys rock! In other news; the Card-Jitsu Snow party is now GONE. BUT!! You can still go to all Dojos even if you are a non-member. And if you earned anything on your journey during the party you can STILL wear it :) So enjoy mastering Card-Jitsu guys we've earned it! :D

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
New Comment Blog Author Update!
Hey bloggers! If you comment in my blog I now made it to where your BLOG user or name in general will just be mine. I did this to ensure your internet safety :). Thanks for your comments and subscirbes! Catch you later!!
Thawing EPF Blog gets a new look!
If you haven't already. Head over to the EPF Blog; G and me have remodeled with the power supply thawed we have left. He says my Awards won't be for awhile since he doesn't know how long it will take to properly fix the Blog. Agents though are ASKED to do Spy Drills in the Command Room to help boost the frozen mainframe. G calculates he should have at least full power thawed by this Friday I hope so!! Something odd is going on in there.....
Monday, June 3, 2013
No Awards yet.... But Upcoming Events!
Hey bloggers! Due to the crazy weather I've been having where I live; the Awards has been delayed. but that's not all that's been going in. The EPF Blog has been FROZEN due to all this weather. So now I need a way to launch it back up again before I lose all the EPF data. If you'd like to help support the cause; today at 1 PM go to Server Cozy and go to the Pizza Shop. Every pizza sold from 1-2 will go to my EPF Blog to pay to "melt" it. In the meantime I can't get the Awards up and running with the EPF frozen. So if you want those awards help thaw the EPF! :D See you bloggers!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Where Am I?
Joeeey68 is online! He will be in the Dojo, Snow Dojo or waddling around the Island. IF you meet him he will friend you and you can Waddle Around and have fun! :) He will be on servers; Ascent, Alpine and Big Snow. Also, Voting for the Awards are CLOSED. I have counted the votes and the Awards Show is tonight, don't miss it! :)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
CP321 Awards Delayed :(
Hey guys! I haven't forgotten about the Awards Show! Due to this blizzard on the Island though and with the Elite Penguin Force reconstruction; I have been helping build and earn my Snow Gem in Card-Jitsu Snow. By the way, if you haven't played it yet please do! It's an amazingly fun game that takes time, but the results are worth it.... (See Tusk Tips in a post down below). the Awards ceremony will be tomorrow night at 7. And with all this free time to spare I must say me and My Co-Star Host, DJ CADENCE, will be quite entertained! We have a nice show planned for you tomorrow night so stay tuned into it. Club-Penguin 321 Awards Show Hosted by Joeeey68 and DJ Cadence LIVE tomorrow Night at 7 PM. The voting slots are down below! Good Luck to all nominees and you can vote in the Comments. I will rally them up in the Morning.
Awards for the 3rd Annual Club-Penguin321 2.0 Awards:
• Favorite Famous Penguin Award 2012
• Favorite 2012 Party
• Favorite 2012 Color
• Most bought item from the Gift-Shop in 2012
• Favorite Puffle Color 2012 and 2013
• Favorite Hangout
• Favorite Performer*
• Favorite Original Song*
• Favorite Play 2012
• Best Party Host(s) 2012
• Best Partying Room for: Operation-Blackout
• Best Partying Room for: Halloween-Party 2012
• Best Partying Room for: The Ultimate Jam-2012
• Biggest Shocker in 2012!
• Most “Secret” Agent
• Favorite EPF Agent (EPF Voting only)
• Favorite Card-Jitsu Game
• Best room re-model
• Coins for Change Award
• Best Famous Penguin’s Outfit
Favorite Famous Penguin Award 2012
-Penguin Band
-DJ Cadence
-Aunt Arctic
-CeCe and Rocky
-Herbert P. Bear
-Gary the Gadget Guy
Favorite 2012 Party
-Operation: Blackout
-The Ultimate Jam!
-Halloween Party 2012
Favorite 2012 Color
-Royal Blue
-Lime Green
-Arctic White
Most bought item in the Gift Sop 2012:
-Viking Helmet
-Halloween Costumes
-Ultimate Jam outfits
Favorite Puffle Color 2012-13
Favorite Hangout 2012
-The Dojo
-The Coffee Shop
-The Iceberg
-The Everyday Phoning Facility
Favorite Performer
-DJ Cadence
-The Penguin Band
Favorite Original Song
-Cool in the Cold
-Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman)
-The Party Starts Now
-Anchors Aweigh
-Ghost Just Wanna Dance
Favorite Play 2012
-Quest for the Golden Puffle
-My Life: The Herbert P. Bear Story
-Fairy Fables
Best Party Host(s) 2012
-DJ Cadence, CeCe and Rocky (The Ultimate Jam)
-Herbert P. Bear (Operation: Blackout)
-Gary (Halloween 2012)
Best Partying Room for Operation Blackout
-The EPF Resistance Base
-Herbert’s Tropical Fortress
-All over the Ice-Aged Island
Best Partying Rooms for The Ultimate Jam
-The Performance Arena
-The Night Club
-The Auditions for ‘Shake-it-Up: Club Penguin’
Best Partying Rooms for the Halloween Party 2012
-Gariwalds haunted mansion
-The Whole Island, haunting people
-The Snow Forts for trick-or-treating.
Biggest Shocker in 2012!
-The Director’s Identity revealed?
-Herbert P. Bear defeating the Elite Penguin Force?
-CeCe and Rocky were cast as mascots?
Most “Secret” Agent
-Dot the Disguise Gal
-The Director
Favorite EPF Agent (EPF Voting only)
-Jet Pack Guy
Favorite Card-Jitsu Game
-CJ: Snow
-CJ: Fire
-CJ: Water
-Card-Jitsu: Mastering the Elements
Best Room re-model
-The Town
-The Plaza
-The Ski Village
Coins for Change Award
-Presented to the Club Penguin Team and Staff for helping us change the world, one coin at a time!
Best Famous Penguins Outfit
-DJ Cadence
-Penguin Band
-CeCe and Rocky
Awards for the 3rd Annual Club-Penguin321 2.0 Awards:
• Favorite Famous Penguin Award 2012
• Favorite 2012 Party
• Favorite 2012 Color
• Most bought item from the Gift-Shop in 2012
• Favorite Puffle Color 2012 and 2013
• Favorite Hangout
• Favorite Performer*
• Favorite Original Song*
• Favorite Play 2012
• Best Party Host(s) 2012
• Best Partying Room for: Operation-Blackout
• Best Partying Room for: Halloween-Party 2012
• Best Partying Room for: The Ultimate Jam-2012
• Biggest Shocker in 2012!
• Most “Secret” Agent
• Favorite EPF Agent (EPF Voting only)
• Favorite Card-Jitsu Game
• Best room re-model
• Coins for Change Award
• Best Famous Penguin’s Outfit
Favorite Famous Penguin Award 2012
-Penguin Band
-DJ Cadence
-Aunt Arctic
-CeCe and Rocky
-Herbert P. Bear
-Gary the Gadget Guy
Favorite 2012 Party
-Operation: Blackout
-The Ultimate Jam!
-Halloween Party 2012
Favorite 2012 Color
-Royal Blue
-Lime Green
-Arctic White
Most bought item in the Gift Sop 2012:
-Viking Helmet
-Halloween Costumes
-Ultimate Jam outfits
Favorite Puffle Color 2012-13
Favorite Hangout 2012
-The Dojo
-The Coffee Shop
-The Iceberg
-The Everyday Phoning Facility
Favorite Performer
-DJ Cadence
-The Penguin Band
Favorite Original Song
-Cool in the Cold
-Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman)
-The Party Starts Now
-Anchors Aweigh
-Ghost Just Wanna Dance
Favorite Play 2012
-Quest for the Golden Puffle
-My Life: The Herbert P. Bear Story
-Fairy Fables
Best Party Host(s) 2012
-DJ Cadence, CeCe and Rocky (The Ultimate Jam)
-Herbert P. Bear (Operation: Blackout)
-Gary (Halloween 2012)
Best Partying Room for Operation Blackout
-The EPF Resistance Base
-Herbert’s Tropical Fortress
-All over the Ice-Aged Island
Best Partying Rooms for The Ultimate Jam
-The Performance Arena
-The Night Club
-The Auditions for ‘Shake-it-Up: Club Penguin’
Best Partying Rooms for the Halloween Party 2012
-Gariwalds haunted mansion
-The Whole Island, haunting people
-The Snow Forts for trick-or-treating.
Biggest Shocker in 2012!
-The Director’s Identity revealed?
-Herbert P. Bear defeating the Elite Penguin Force?
-CeCe and Rocky were cast as mascots?
Most “Secret” Agent
-Dot the Disguise Gal
-The Director
Favorite EPF Agent (EPF Voting only)
-Jet Pack Guy
Favorite Card-Jitsu Game
-CJ: Snow
-CJ: Fire
-CJ: Water
-Card-Jitsu: Mastering the Elements
Best Room re-model
-The Town
-The Plaza
-The Ski Village
Coins for Change Award
-Presented to the Club Penguin Team and Staff for helping us change the world, one coin at a time!
Best Famous Penguins Outfit
-DJ Cadence
-Penguin Band
-CeCe and Rocky
Meet and Greet me!
In honor of Card-Jitsu Snow being released I am throwing a Meet and Greet party tomorrow morning! 10 AM to 11 AM Sharp! You can meet me, we can play Card-Jitsu Snow and have a great time! :) Hope to see you all around the Island. Oh! And the dress code is wear your Ninja Mask, Amulet, or your Snow Outfit and Amulet!! hope to see you guys at the Island
Defeating Tusk
Hey Ninjas! Are you facing Tusk and finding it hard? finding yourself getting angry at the computer? Well no more! Joeeey68 has your back as much as Snow Ninja does in battle! First of all, At the beginning of the game you will be asked to choose your element. My suggestion is to choose either Snow or Water. Snow, because you can heal your teammates and attack at the same time. Water, because you can do immense damage to Tusk specially with those Power Cards! At the beginning og the game you and the other Ninjas will surround Master Sensei
Afterwords you will move forward and try and attack Tusk by yourself ad or with your teammates! Now not only does Master Sensei not have any health so he cannot die in battle; BUT he also has nice Power Cards. He will Heal, or Attack every 3 rounds with Power Cards.

Remember to try and Combo with him! It will HELP a lot! Specially with those Combo Abilities. Such as Snow Shield, Over-Time Fire Damage and Water Damage Booster!
Hope this helped Ninjas :D remember that after you defeat tusk there is still more to your Ninja Journey with items to collect! I suggest challenging Tusk OVER AND OVER again because instead of getting 20% to a normal battle, you get 70%!! Well, Good Luck Ninjas! :)
Afterwords you will move forward and try and attack Tusk by yourself ad or with your teammates! Now not only does Master Sensei not have any health so he cannot die in battle; BUT he also has nice Power Cards. He will Heal, or Attack every 3 rounds with Power Cards.
Remember to try and Combo with him! It will HELP a lot! Specially with those Combo Abilities. Such as Snow Shield, Over-Time Fire Damage and Water Damage Booster!
Hope this helped Ninjas :D remember that after you defeat tusk there is still more to your Ninja Journey with items to collect! I suggest challenging Tusk OVER AND OVER again because instead of getting 20% to a normal battle, you get 70%!! Well, Good Luck Ninjas! :)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Elements are Unbalanced!
One single snowflake, is quiet... but many of them is a powerful force. Ninjas! All our training has come to this moment, together we must walk on the Brutely Cold Ice Path and Master the Element of Snow! Only those who have mastered it with the Snow Gem can stop who is behind this, learn Sensei's mysterious past and rebalance the Elements! Choose, your Element! And are you ready?
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
A Storm is coming
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Club Penguin Awards approaching!
It is that time of Year again! The CP321 Awards Show, for its 3rd annual showing, is coming back May 15th! As you know, I always choose a Celeb Co-Host to host with me. Here are this years nominees:
-DJ Cadence
-Stomping Bob
Voting Ends April 26th. Happy voting!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Pizza Parlor a Mess!!!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Support Saraapril!
Recently, Saraapril posted a post when she was ready to adopt the Rainbow Puffle. (This Puffle is legendary! Been rumors since 2007 of adopting this pet!) And now when it is FINALLY availible to adopt, the MAX limit for Puffles is 20. Saraapril says she already owns 20 Puffles.... Some Members already do as well. I think there should be raised limits on our pets. Support Saraapril and me in this cause! "21 or more!"
Friday, March 22, 2013
Now On Avalanche!!
I'll be on, again!
I'll be on the Island, meeting fans this afternoon for the Puffle Party! We can look for PH, and party with my Puffles! :) Check the servers; "Ascent, Big-Foot, Cold Snap, Avalanche, and Beanie" Starting at 5 to look for me. That's 3 PST :)
Look for this Player Card in the Rooms and try and friend me:)
"What happened to your Blog? I was trying to read it, and it hasn't been updated till now. What was the wait?"
"Hello! I try and Blog according to the site, and if you look in my history I had an extensive bond with the EPF I even had a
Blog dedicated to them! Since Herbert P Bear blew up their HQ and took over the Island in November of 2012; I played along and my Blog was destroyed since the EPF was. Herbert knew me and my Blog and shut it down with the Command. Now that it is back up and running, the EPF Blog and my Blog are back. Good question though!"
"Will you ever be famous like the mascots on the Island?"
"Well, good question, and I do not know! I am already famous enough through fans like you all. I would love to do that, but I do not know if the Team would allow it. Thanks for asking though:)"
You can read more Fan-Mail at the link to the Page underneath the "EPF URL Skip" Under "My Pages(:"
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The 3rd Annual Awards & Updates
Before I forget to mention, the 3rd Annual Awards show will be coming to my Blog on its usual time; May. No specific Date is listed yet, for I am far too busy with other things to even glance into the future ;) But the Awards will be hosted by a host you vote for soon. As for now, enjoy the Puffle Party! The 2nd Part of the Quest will be uploaded as soon as I can get around to it, honestly speaking.
*Puffle Party Quest-Continues (March 21st-April 2nd)
*3rd Annual Club Penguin321 Awards (n/a)
*Voting Polls Open Soon (n/a)
*Voting Polls for Mascot Host open soon (n/a)
*Rainbow Puffle Characteristics soon (n/a)
*Puffle321 (NOW-April 2nd)
New Blog for the Puffle Party!
Just for the Puffle Party? Check out the Puffle-Book website where the Puffles, using Gary's Translator 3000, can chat among themselves while they stay in the Puffle Hotel! Just go to
Remember this Blog will only last until after the Puffle Party. So enjoy it while it lasts. But don't worry, it will be back next year!!
I just want my Rainbow Puffle!!
Hold on there!! Like all the other parties; (Operation: Blackout, Hollywood Party) the party IS meant to last. Therefore the Penguins who rush over to the Puffle Cannon will get this message:
Oh no big deal right? Just a quest! WRONG haha after you complete your first quest you will have to wait 18 hours for the next one.
Don't sweat though! You'll make it!!
Puffle Party Part Uno :)
The time has come for us to prove we're the ultimate pet care takers. The Rainbow Puffle needs an owner, one who can take care of all the abilities of all the Puffles combined. Is that you? Well I thought it was me, see I went into the Hotel at first to see how things are going.
Then I decided to check in, "Checking in Dorris." "Right away Joeeey68."
I looked at the GIANT Rainbow Puffle Statue, gazing at you when you walk in.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
One more day!
Only one more day until the most awesome day of the year!! THE PUFFLE PARTY!!! Don't forget you can get all cheats for the Rainbow Puffle on here, and you can track PH with our new Tracker-300. Not to mention, Puffle-321 Launches!!! Well, to celebrate another successful year leading up to the party, here's the Music Video for "Gotta have a Wingman." On Itunes now :)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Club-Penguin:321 2.0
Welcome to the new and approved ClubPenguin321. I hope you all enjoy it! The archives are all still the same and some are moved around. I hope you all enjoy the Blog, and feel free to check out my Fan Mail page or the EPF Blog. Feel free to also write some Fan Mail in the Comments if you'd like. Don't forget that the Puffle Party Starts this Thursday and Members can adopt the Rainbow Puffle for the very first time in over 5 years of rumors!!!
A PH tracker will be added also. Happy Hunting!
Puffle-321 (UPDATE: IS GONE) :)
Starting April 21st, when the Puffle Party Launches, I am launching a new blog! It will be called, "Puffle-321!". This blog will consist of all Puffles and they will talk to us and discuss things that are happening to them. It's like a Twitter of Facebook for Puffles. the site will be called Dont go there its not ready, and dont think about stealing the name I have it copyrighted. Also! The EPF Blog is launched once again! PLEASE check it out and see the updates! -Joeeey68
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Alright! SO I am back up and running, and just to announce some BIG changes and ideas for the Blog! Which includes new parties, new ways to meet me online with mascots and more! AND the Blog, and EPF Command Blog gets a totally new makeover :) After Herbert destroyed the EPF Command Room online in November, the explosion had shut off the Elite Penguin Force from their blog, so now me and the team are working on creating a new blog and everything. And maybe a safer one at that. In other news, the 3rd Annual Club Penguin321 Awards are approaching!! Earlier than usual, but better than ever! Why? Not only can you meet stars for the first time at my Igloo during the Red-Carpet, but you can hear an exclusive concert from Cadence, and meet CeCe and Rocky on Twitter and on my Blog. I'll update more stuff soon. Be sure to check the EPF Blog and my Blog for more info.
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