Club-Penguin 321 has made it to Japan! Readers from around the world have done it! they've made my blog world wide, and by reaching Japan, this is good news! People in Japan I thank-you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoy it!!!! Anyway, the Ultimate-Jam is here with a LIVE concert from Cadence and the Penguin-Band. If you haven't gotten on yet I'll give you a secret. Go online right now and catch her concert, and if you haven't already gotten the Penguin Band's AND Cadence's Stamps, you'll get them when the perform Cadence's first single; "The Party Starts Now!" (Now on ITunes)
There are some new mascots running around the Island for this party only and it is Shake it Up's Cece and Rocky! Find them, and you can not only become their friend, but get an EXLCLUSIVE Autographed background from them! :] So as Cadence would say, "The Party Start's Now!!!" So go online right now and party with cadence or Shake it Up with Rocky and Cece! More news on "CP321: MADE IN JAPAN WEEK" Next week :)
-Joeeey68, OUT! peace!